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Partage de Secret en Utilisant des Métaheuristiques Bionispirées
(2024) ZENDER Rouia
Technology has progressed a lot in recent decades, especially in terms of computing power
and will probably continue to do so in the future, Moore's law is there to support it. This had
disastrous repercussions on the information security; although cryptography has also evolved
a lot in terms of encryption algorithms, recent supercomputers are capable of overcoming
some cryptosystems. This has led researchers in this field to investigate new avenues, such as
secret sharing, which over time has proven to be the most secure solution currently used for
protecting its secret.
The main axis around which revolves the subject of this thesis is precisely this secret sharing
paradigm, requiring cooperation and collaboration on the part of secret keepers based on
distributed trust and jointly managed control of the security situation.During these last years,
various sharing algorithms have been proposed. Indeed, security in the field of IT in general
and computer systems in particular have contributed a lot in the evolution of this discipline
which belongs to cryptography and which is based on strong theoretical pillars such as:
modular arithmetic and coding theory.
Contribution in this research work consists of the proposal of a new secret sharing scheme
based on bioinspired hexagonal structure and integer decomposition. As a metaheuristic
inspiration, hexagonal structure was inspired from nature where it’s common in constructs
made by biological systems and the intelligent behaviours of a bee swarm.
For integer decomposition, it is known that the oldest method is Fermat’s factorization, which
is based on the representation of an odd integer as the difference of two squares, while for the
proposed decomposition every positive integer has a unique factorization into two factors.
To check functionality and efficiency of the proposed scheme, it was applied to digital images
processing domain where it has exhibited good properties: it is lossless and ideal, its
flexibility allows many extensions to handle additional situations, it can add new or delete an
old participant and it can detect and identify cheater. Aside these interesting features,
experimental results demonstrate that this scheme has a good security level.
اثر برنامج مقترح بالالعاب الاستكشافية على تحسين بعض المهارات الحركية الأساسية و الابداع الحركي دراسة تجريبية على تلاميذ المرحلة الابتدائية 7-8 سنوات
(2024) مراد عثماني
Study Title: The effect of a proposed exploratory games program on improving some
basic motor skills and some motor creativity .
"A field study on primary school students aged 7-8 years"
This study aimed to reveal the effect of the proposed program using exploratory
games in improving some basic motor skills (Static and dynamic balance), and some motor
creativity abilities (Fluency and motor flexibility) for primary school children 7-8 years old.
Exploratory games are the type of games that ensure that the learner is given freedom
to search and investigate solutions while performing the motor duties assigned to him within
the educational situation.
The researcher used the experimental method by designing two equal groups, control
and experimental, which is compatible with the nature of the study. The study sample
consisted of 28 male and female students, divided equally into two groups, with 14 male and
female students in each group, at the Brothers of Martyrs Khadraoui School, Zaribat El Oued
Municipality, Biskra Province they were chosen randomly. Field tests were relied upon as a
tool for collecting data, which consisted of a one-foot stand test to measure static balance
skill, a balancé beam walking test to measure motor balance, and the Werk test was also
adopted to measure the creative motor abilities under study.
After statistical processing carried out using the SPSS v24, we obtained the following
results :
✓ The proposed program has a positive effect in improving the static balance skill and
motor balance skill of primary school children aged 7-8 years.
✓ The proposed program has a positive impact in improving motor fluency and motor
flexibility among primary school children aged 7-8 years.
The researcher recommends including this type of educational games within the physical and
sports education curriculum for the primary school child, and adopting the problem-solving
method as well as the kinetic exploration method in teaching the contents of physical
education for children aged (7-8) y.o. Furthermore, the researcher also recommends creating
the appropriate educational environment to stimulate the learner’s motivation towards
improving basic motor skills and creative abilities.
اثر برنامج مقترح للتربية الحركية على بعض القدرات الحركية و الأصالة الحركية لدى تلاميذ مرحلة التعليم الابتدائي (بعمر 8-9 سنوات)
(2024) زايدي صالح
"The effect of a proposed program for kinetic education on some motor
abilities and motor originality among primary school students (8-9) years old."
The study aims at proposing a kinetic educational program that seeks to develop some motor
abilities and motor originality among third-year primary school students. The program’s
design is based on scientific foundations and some educational theories that are concerned
with raising children. It is also guided by the opinions and ideas of experts and specialists in
the field of kinetic education, as well as sources and references of the subject in question. The
objective is building a kinetic educational program that consists of (20) educational units,
which were reviewed by a group of specialists from inside and outside the country. We then
proceeded to implement the program in the second semester of the school season, and we
chose a random sample of (30) male and female students, We used the experimental method
appropriate to the nature of the research, by designing equal groups with pre-measurement for
the two groups (experimental and control) and post-measurement for the two groups (after
applying the program). Using data collection tools that have acceptable scientific
characteristics, namely the eye-hand compatibility test, the eye-foot compatibility test, the
motor balance test, and finally the motor originality test, and in light of the results’discussion
and analysis, we reached the following conclusions:
-There are statistically and practically significant differences between the two groups in eyefoot
compatibility in favor of the experimental group.
- There are statistically and practically significant differences between the two groups in eyehand
compatibility in favor of the experimental group.
- There are statistically and practically significant differences between the two groups in
motor balance in favor of the experimental group.
-There are statistically and practically significant differences between the two groups in
motor originality in favor of the experimental group.
Therefore, it can be said that the proposed program has an effective and positive effect in
developing some motor abilities and motor originality among third-year primary school
students compared to the regular program presented by the teacher.
اتجاهات المراة نحو الترويح الرياضي وفق بعض المتغيرات الاجتماعية و المهنية في مدينة باتنة
(2024) فريد معمري
this study aimed to identify the attitudes of women working in the higher
education sector in Batna city towards sports recreation according to some
social and professional variables. This study was conducted on a sample of
(458) working women in the higher education sector in the city of Batna, which
was selected using the random stratified method. After statistical processing of
the data collected using the measure of women's attitudes towards sports
recreation, which was authored by Iman Al-Sayed Ghazanfar, as a tool for the
the study concluded that the attitudes of women working in the higher
education sector in Batna city towards sports recreation are positive. And that
there are no differences in the attitudes of women working in the higher
education sector in Batna city towards sports recreation due to the social and
professional variables. Accordingly, the student recommended the researcher
to support and build positive attitudes for women towards this form of
recreation, and this is through correcting the concepts related to women’s
sports practice.
Entre marginalité et violence : une identité en métamorphose dans Puisque mon cœur est mort, Hizya et Nulle autre voix de Maïssa Bey
(2024) Badreddine KHELKHAL
Cette thèse a pour objectif principal de montrer jusqu’à quel point la nécessité d’écrire dans les
œuvres de Maïssa Bey, Puisque mon cœur est mort, Hizya et Nulle autre voix, est conditionnée par la
violence, et comment cette violence contribue au renouvellement de son écriture. Entre violence liée à la
période des années quatre-vingt-dix, celle due aux normes sociales qui oppriment les femmes, et en
particulier les situations où les femmes sont présentées comme auteures de crimes, nous tenterons de déceler
les traces que laisseraient ces violences chez notre auteure. La violence, par sa dimension sociale, se trouve
dans ces romans en rapport direct avec la marginalité et la déviance féminine. Pour comprendre les raisons
qui poussent les protagonistes à devenir criminelles, nous aborderons, d’une part, le processus de deuil à
travers une perspective psychanalytique, et d’autre part, nous étudierons l’implication du lien mère/fille dans
les impulsions agressives. De plus, dans notre analyse, nous soulignerons les transgressions formelles à
travers l’hybridité générique, illustrant la quête d’identité de l’auteure qui se reflète dans ses personnages. En
racontant les épisodes de leur vie, ces personnages parviennent à construire leurs identités narratives.