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    علاقة استراتيجية حل المشكلات بتنمية التفكير الإبداعي خلال حصة التربية البدنية و الرياضية دراسة ميدانية على تلاميذ المرحلة الثانوية( 19 سنة) بولاية باتنة Magister thesis, Université de Batna 2
    (2017-03-16) محبوبي نسيمة
    This studing ceins to figure out the role of the approach of solving problems in the developement of creative thinking (general ,kinetic) duving ,the physical education and sports ,class for the third year students in the schools of Batna . In order to attaind this goal ,this study investigated the validity of following hypotheses. General hypothese : The approach of alving problems has a role (effect) on the developement of the creative thinking skills (general,kinetic) during the physical education and sports class of the boys of the third year students of the middle schools. Partial hypotheses : 1/There are statistally significant differencies between results of pre and after the experiment of some of the general creative skill (fluency, flexibility, originality) in favor of both the cese of the problem salving approach, and the ordering /guiding one ,during the physical education and sports class of boys of the third year of middle schools. 2 /There are statistally significant differencies between the results of pre and after the experiment of some of the motor(movemental)creative skills(motor fluency,motor flexebility, motor originality) in the favor of the afterexperiment tests results of both ,the use of the problem salving approach and the ordering (guiding) one,during the physical education and sports class of boys of the third year of middle schools. 3/There are statistally significant differencies within the after experiment tests results of the developement of some of the general creative skills (fluency,flexibility,originality) beteen the twoapproachs in thefavor of the problem salving approach during the physical education and sports class of boys of the third year in the middle schools. ح 4/There are statistally sinificant differencies within the after experiment testsresults of the developement of some kinetic creative skills(fluency,flexibility, originality) between the two approachs ,in the favor of the problem salving approach during the physical education and sports class of boys of the third year in the middle schools. The population of the stady in composed of 30boys of the third year, from the AISSA AL ABED ,RAS LAYONE,Middle School,Batna.The population was devided into two groups from the experimental science field ,and were chosed raudamly. The experimental group members were taught the hand ball ,education unit with the use of the problem salving approach and the conditional group with the ordoring approach. Tools used in this stady : 1-creative thinking test for Torrance,Boron . 2- kenitic thinking test for Lamia Diwan. 3- hand ball educational unit . In order to answer the stady questions and testify the validity of it’s hypotheses ,both groups were tested before and after they took the handball classes,each with an approach,after the experiment of the stady and the gathering of data and the statistically analysing using the(SPSS)program. The following results were fowel : 1-there are statistically significant differencies between the pre and after results of the experiment in the favor of the after experiment results of the developement in some of the general creative skills(general fluency,generalflexibility,general originality)during the physical education and sports class of boys of third year of middle schools. ط 2-there are statistically significant differencies between the results pre and after experiment with favor of the after experiment results of the developement of some of the kenitic creative skills(fluency, flexibility,originality) during the physical education and sports class of boys of third year middle schools. 3-there are statistically significant differencies wthin the after experiment test’s results of the developement of some of the general creative skills(fluency, flexibility, originality) between the approachs in the favor of the problem salving approach during the physical education and sports class of boys of third year in the middle schools. 4-there are statistically significant differencies within the after experiment test’s results of the developement of some of the kenitic creative skills (fluency,flexibility,originality)between the two approachs in the favor of the the problem salving approach during the physical education and sports class of boys of the third year in the middle schools. This stady recommanded the physical education and sport’s teachers to use the problem salving approach because it reinforces the students « learner’s » creative thinking and develops their creative thinking skills