اثر برنامج مقترح بالالعاب الاستكشافية على تحسين بعض المهارات الحركية الأساسية و الابداع الحركي دراسة تجريبية على تلاميذ المرحلة الابتدائية 7-8 سنوات
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Study Title: The effect of a proposed exploratory games program on improving some
basic motor skills and some motor creativity .
"A field study on primary school students aged 7-8 years"
This study aimed to reveal the effect of the proposed program using exploratory
games in improving some basic motor skills (Static and dynamic balance), and some motor
creativity abilities (Fluency and motor flexibility) for primary school children 7-8 years old.
Exploratory games are the type of games that ensure that the learner is given freedom
to search and investigate solutions while performing the motor duties assigned to him within
the educational situation.
The researcher used the experimental method by designing two equal groups, control
and experimental, which is compatible with the nature of the study. The study sample
consisted of 28 male and female students, divided equally into two groups, with 14 male and
female students in each group, at the Brothers of Martyrs Khadraoui School, Zaribat El Oued
Municipality, Biskra Province they were chosen randomly. Field tests were relied upon as a
tool for collecting data, which consisted of a one-foot stand test to measure static balance
skill, a balancé beam walking test to measure motor balance, and the Werk test was also
adopted to measure the creative motor abilities under study.
After statistical processing carried out using the SPSS v24, we obtained the following
results :
✓ The proposed program has a positive effect in improving the static balance skill and
motor balance skill of primary school children aged 7-8 years.
✓ The proposed program has a positive impact in improving motor fluency and motor
flexibility among primary school children aged 7-8 years.
The researcher recommends including this type of educational games within the physical and
sports education curriculum for the primary school child, and adopting the problem-solving
method as well as the kinetic exploration method in teaching the contents of physical
education for children aged (7-8) y.o. Furthermore, the researcher also recommends creating
the appropriate educational environment to stimulate the learner’s motivation towards
improving basic motor skills and creative abilities.